Bannertime provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) to generate banner campaigns.
Have a look at the installation guide if you do not have bannertime already set up and running.
Follow these steps to scaffold out a HTML5 banner campaign.
Make sure you have node installed on your machine.
If you do not, follow the installation instructions here.
Install the required global npm dependencies.
npm i -g yo yarn gulp generator-bannertime
Make a new directory with the name of your project.
mkdir my-campaign && cd $_
Run the generator.
yo bannertime
The generator will then prompt you with a few questions about which kind of project you'd like to generate.
You can create new banners using the following command.
yo bannertime:new
You can copy banners using the following command.
yo bannertime:copy
You can generate a basic deploy script using the following command.
yo bannertime:deploy