Getting Started

Bannertime provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) to generate banner campaigns.

Have a look at the installation guide if you do not have bannertime already set up and running.

Follow these steps to scaffold out a HTML5 banner campaign.


Make sure you have node installed on your machine.

If you do not, follow the installation instructions here.

Install Yeoman, Yarn, Gulp and Bannertime

Install the required global npm dependencies.

npm i -g yo yarn gulp generator-bannertime

Make a new directory and cd into it

Make a new directory with the name of your project.

mkdir my-campaign && cd $_

Run Bannertime

Run the generator.

yo bannertime
The generator will then prompt you with a few questions about which kind of project you'd like to generate.


New banner

You can create new banners using the following command.

yo bannertime:new

Copy banner

You can copy banners using the following command.

yo bannertime:copy

Basic deploy script

You can generate a basic deploy script using the following command.

yo bannertime:deploy
